Permanent Magnets
Ferrite magnets

Ferrite magnets

As a leading manufacturer of Ferrite magnets, our products have a reputation for quality.

Ferrite magnets are sintered permanent magnets composed of Barium or Strontium Ferrite. Ferrites are produced by heating mixtures of finely-powered precursors pressed into a mold and can be produced isotropic or anisotropic. Isotropic grades are not oriented and can be magnetized in any direction, although some degree of greater magnetic strength will be found in the pressing dimension. Anisotropic grades are oriented in the manufacturing direction and must be magnetized in the direction of orientation. The corrosion resistance of Ferrite is considered excellent and no surface treatments are need. This class of magnets has the popular advantage of low cost.

Shapes of ferrite magnet:segment,cone,ring(speaker magnet,horn diaphragm), rectangle,abnormity,ball and U-shaped.

Ferrite of magnetizing:
thickness magnetizing,diametrical magnetizing,
radial magnetizing(polar anisotropic),
paired magnetizing (segment magnets),
multi-polar magnetizing and so on.

Applications of ferrite magnets:
reed switches,electric bicycles,power plate,
electric generator,water pump,teaching materials
non seal pumps,refrigerator magnet,stepper motors,
loudspeaker,magnetic assemblies,brushless motors,
starting motor,magnetic toys,magnetic snap,
stereo speakers,immobilizers and so on.
Ferrite Magnets Production Process

Ferrite Magnets Series Magnetic Property

Ferrite Magnets Magnetization Direction
